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Aruna - Retina Meme / Gag / Image Sharing Template

Автор: rasslabonov от 14.11.2013, 12:09
Aruna - Retina Meme / Gag / Image Sharing Template


LazyLoad’s job here is to delay loading of images the user doesn’t see, only on scroll! That means you’re no longer loading 500 images, but instead,the user decides how many he wants to load! That’s amazing!

Логин и регистрация + Система профилей:

All the functionality is into the menu, easily post, go to settings.
Change your Avatar, change your background Image for Extended Personality on the site!
Set On/Off the Adult Filtering

Новая cистема закладок:

The Bookmark System is meant to touch your users’ hearts – Every now and then there’s great content and we want to save it, let your users:

Save/Bookmark The Content They Love
View It Easily on the Sidebar
Click only One Button to Bookmark a Post (Easy Pie)

Гениальная Sticky Боковая панель:

This is a majestic piece of work – You can have very extended functionality here.

Show Categories of your Site
Show Bookmarks of the User
Show Latest/Hottest Posts

Front End Post / Front End Posting Module:

Each post can be liked/disliked

4 Post Types: Image, Video, Quotes & Slider

Easily Change Category
Easily Change Type
Change Post Options: Not Safe For Work (Adult Filtering)
Enable/Disable Comments
Post Anonymously
Add/Remove Tags To Your Posts
Sticky Options: Easily Change between Types without a worry, options remain!

Designed Responsively

Fully Retina Display Graphics (Retina Ready Graphics)
Fully Responsive for Mobiles


5 Layouts to Choose From including Masonry and
Variations of Sidebars and Main Content
Some Layouts Support Google Ads while some may not!
Built on Bootstrap’s 1170px Grid
Lazy load for images to optimize the layouts!
Smart Colors, easy to change the colorization in CSS!


Popular Posts Widgets
Top 10 Posts
Instagram (More Fun in widgets.html)
Author Profile Widget
Funniest Joker Widget
Search Widget
User Functionality

We thank you for scrolling this far, be a winner, be Aruna!

Теги: Sharing, template, Aruna, Image, Retina


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